

  • Sistemi di Telecomunicazioni

    Curriculum: Curriculum Unico nella Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica L-8

  • Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence

    Curriculum: Applied Artificial Intelligence nella Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Delle Telecomunicazioni LM-27

  • Laboratorio di Multimedialità

    Curriculum: Curriculum Unico nella Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica L-8
    Curriculum: Intelligenza Artificiale E Machine Learning nella Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica LM-32

  • Ethical Hacking

    Curriculum: Analisi Dei Dati E Statistica, Modellistica Fisica E Simulazioni Numeriche, Crittografia E Sicurezza Informatica nella Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Computazionali LM-40
    Curriculum: Applied Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Technologies nella Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Delle Telecomunicazioni LM-27

On-going courses




Available theses

We offer students the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research projects in multimedia, security, and other signal processing topics. Below is a list of available theses and projects. The activities outlined in the thesis proposal are not mandatory. Specific tasks and timelines will be defined in collaboration with the student, based on their skills and project progress. The proposal may be adjusted as needed.

Immersive Technologies

Communication, Networking and Security

Quality of Experience

Signal Processing

Each project offers the opportunity to collaborate closely with lab members and supervisors. Students interested in exploring research topics not yet formalized as theses or projects are welcome to discuss their ideas with the lab, additional topics may be available upon request. For inquiries or to express interest, please contact us.